Each of our Midwives are independent contractors, which means they have the ability to set up individual fees for their services and agree to payment terms that fit them and their client needs. Whatever fee is agreed upon can be paid in payments, up front or billed to insurance. We offer hardship discounts, varied payment plans and work with a billing service for all of our insurance paying clients.​ SELF PAY CLIENTS For clients that do not have insurance, or those that have an HMO/Medicaid that we know will not cover Midwifery Services we do offer self pay options. We typically ask that upon signing a contract with one of our midwives, that a $600 non-refundable retainer fee is collected. Any remaining balance can made in payments, due in full before you are 36 weeks pregnant. If you think you would qualify for a hardship discount, please let us know and we will try to work with you on pricing.​
Book a free consultation by calling 702-478-5080 or click the contact button below.
If you decide you would like to bill your insurance for maternity care, we are able to bill your insurance for you. Well Rounded Momma is In-Network with Blue Cross Blue Shield [non-medicaid]. Any deductibles or copays are collected prior to your 36 week visit. Your insurance is billed after you have your baby .We suggest that anyone who wants to try billing their insurance for midwifery care, first obtain an insurance verification. Many people prefer to do this after a consultation with a WRM Midwife. INSURANCE VERIFICATION To verify whether or not your insurance will cover a portion of your midwifery fees, please make sure you bring a copy of your driver's license, insurance card and the primary cardholder's information.