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Homebirth Supply List

If you are having a homebirth, we suggest planning to have these things ready by 37 weeks. Anything that your midwife would consider a high necessity should be present in a Birth Kit that most clients purchase at their 36 week appointment. It contains items like sterile gloves, cord clamps, chux, depends, lube packets, etc. Since we buy these items in bulk it is usually cheaper for a client to purchase a kit than buy these items individually. Your midwife will bring her own equipment. The list below is just to serve as a nice addition to your birth kit. :-)

There are times when we find it is a good idea to have these things handy (we find most homes have these things already). We recommend that all cloth items be freshly washed and dried (minus food and drink) and placed a large plastic bin so it is easily accessible.  

LINENS 2 sets of sheets. One set to labor on that will get stained, and a clean set for recovery. One unused tarp, painter’s drop cloth, vinyl tablecloth, or shower curtain. 4 Bath sized towels, 6 if planning a waterbirth (you cannot have too many towels if you are planning to labor in water or have a waterbirth!) 4 Wash cloths

MEDICINAL Bag of Depends or Large Menstrual Pads Padcicles: Make strong chamomile tea, soak a dozen panty liners and freeze Sitz bath; epsom salts and/or herbs Earth Salve; or any herbal healing ointment Homeopathic Arnica Ibuprofen

KITCHEN Large bowl for the placenta White kitchen trash bag Small unopened bottle of oil, your choice

CELEBRATION Large meal prepared and frozen for after the birth Charged camera or phone List of phone numbers to call to announce after the baby is born

FOOD & DRINKS Electrolyte Drinks (we recommend Nuun tablets, coconut water w/ pinch of salt or pedialite)

Variety of Juices Straws Bag of ice Easy to prepare protein – peanut butter, cheese, or eggs Light snacks – fruits, vegetables, nuts, sandwich fixings, bagels, yogurt, etc.

FOR MOTHER Set of old comfortable clothes to labor in Nice gown for after

FOR BABY 2 onesies 2 newborn hats 2 pair booties 2 sleepers 4 Receiving blankets Diapers

COMFORT ITEMS Essential Oils & Diffuser Birthing ball (lrg exercise ball) Sound machine Stereo and music Candles Heating pad




3027 E. Sunset Road #102

Las Vegas, NV 89120


Office: 702-478-5080

Fax: 702- 297-6586


Monday - Saturday

By Appointment Only



Sundays- Dr.Alexa Blazek


Mondays - Dr. Alyssa Woo


Tuesdays-Rebecca Massage


Thursdays-Adrienne Massage


Fridays- Adrienne Massage


Saturdays- Adrienne Massage



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